Jon Newman
Leading and engineering solutions for modern software
Jon Newman
Leading and engineering solutions for modern software
  • Typescript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • SASS
  • SQL
  • BASH
  • Rails
  • Javascript
  • GoLang
  • XML
  • React
  • NextJS
  • jQuery
  • Laravel
  • MUI
  • NodeJS
  • Jotai
  • Zustand
  • React Native
  • Redux
  • Redux Toolkit
  • MobX
  • mobx-state-tree
  • Recoil
  • ExpressJS
  • KnockoutJS
  • Bootstrap
  • MarionetteJS
  • react-spring
  • Tailwind
  • FramerMotion
  • Redis
  • AWS
  • SQS
  • S1
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • FullStory
  • GraphQL
  • REST
  • Cloudfront
  • DataDog
  • Docker
  • Webpack
  • Vite
  • Figma
  • Storybook
  • Azure
  • LLM
  • Lambda
  • Kubernetes
  • PostgreSQL
  • Plaid
  • CircleCI
  • MySQL
  • SVN
  • BitBucket
  • Gulp
  • Grunt
  • Linux
  • Inngest
  • MailGun
  • Rollbar
  • DigitalOcean
Feb 2022 — Jan 2024
Lead Software Engineer - Updater
Led and architected projects and services related to the moving industry
  • Utilized various tools to create rich user experiences with React and NextJS.
  • Mentored and assisted other developers and teams, harboring an engineering-first, and analytical approach to problems.
  • Aided devops architects and engineers on cloud-based solutions using the AWS platform.
  • Engineered both RESTful as well as GraphQL based API interfaces.
  • Integrated complex 3rd party systems related to moving services.
  • Typescript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • SASS
  • SQL
  • BASH
  • Rails
  • React
  • NextJS
  • jQuery
  • Laravel
  • MUI
  • NodeJS
  • Jotai
  • Zustand
  • React Native
  • Redis
  • AWS
  • SQS
  • S1
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • FullStory
  • GraphQL
  • REST
  • Cloudfront
  • DataDog
  • Docker
  • Webpack
  • Vite
  • Figma
  • Storybook
Nov 2019 — Feb 2022
Senior Frontend Developer - Shell
Engineered and built projects from the ground up, leading teams and mentoring other developers
  • Engineered many complex data-driven highly reactive NextJS based projects for geologic science needs
  • Led frontend initiatives for the Agile Development group within Shell
  • Designed and engineered API interfaces for geological and engineering applications
  • Utilized both AWS and Azure cloud services, including Azure GPT-1 and GPT-2 to provide enhanced capabilities for geological science
  • Created and provided in-depth technical presentations on frontend best practices, techniques and technologies
  • Typescript
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • GoLang
  • React
  • NextJS
  • jQuery
  • MUI
  • Redux
  • Redux Toolkit
  • MobX
  • mobx-state-tree
  • Recoil
  • NodeJS
  • Zustand
  • React Native
  • GraphQL
  • REST
  • Redis
  • AWS
  • Azure
  • LLM
  • SQS
  • S1
  • Cloudfront
  • Lambda
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Webpack
  • Vite
  • Figma
  • Storybook
  • PostgreSQL
July 2017 — Nov 2019
Director of Technology - PayOnDelivery
Created and lead team that utilized modern development methodologies to create an auction-like sales platform
  • Designed, engineered, and created a highly complex, rich and responsive application tailored to online sales and fulfillment
  • Designed and architected cloud-based application and related services designed for scalability, fault tolerance, high-throughput, and high-availability
  • Created RESTful external facing/consumed API for integrations from 3rd party platforms
  • Integrated many services such as Plaid, FedEx, Uber, IPCharge, JetPay (and many others) for automated credit, ACH, and fulfillment capabilities
  • Built and lead teams of engineers, development and maintenance of all aspects of the application
  • Typescript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • SASS
  • SQL
  • BASH
  • Rails
  • React
  • Laravel
  • MobX
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • React Native
  • Redis
  • AWS
  • Cloudfront
  • S1
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Docker
  • Lambda
  • Plaid
  • FullStory
  • Webpack
  • Figma
  • Storybook
  • CircleCI
  • MySQL
Nov 2014 — July 2017
Senior Developer - LegalEASE
Engineered legal services solutions
  • Created legal services management solution from the ground up, connecting clients to prospective attorneys and managing all information related to legal cases
  • Built and lead team providing mentoring and guidance technologically and methodologically enabling complex, engaging, and maintainable user experiences
  • Pioneered digital transition of traditional legal services, reducing traditional customer relations requirements and increasing profits significantly
  • Typescript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • SASS
  • SQL
  • BASH
  • Rails
  • KnockoutJS
  • Laravel
  • Bootstrap
  • Redis
  • AWS
  • S1
  • SVN
  • Git
  • BitBucket
  • Docker
  • Webpack
  • MySQL
March 2014 — Nov 2014
Senior Application Developer - BSX Athletics
Developed applications for wearable athletics devices
  • Built complex and reactive user interfaces integrating fitness data metrics including heart rate, latate threshold, cadence, pace, and many others.
  • Architected and built abstractions to integrate 3rd party device APIs such as Garmin used for live data metrics and processing
  • Integrated BigCommerce POS system into platform
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • SASS
  • SQL
  • BASH
  • Laravel
  • MarionetteJS
  • KnockoutJS
  • Redis
  • GitHub
  • Gulp
  • Grunt
  • CircleCI
  • MySQL
Nov 2013 — Feb 2014
UI Developer -
Engineered solutions for legal paperwork filing and consultation
  • Built complex data-driven paperwork filing processes for legal filings.
  • Created rich interfaces to funnel and guide users assisting through the filling out of and filing paper work.
  • Built out extensions to ExtJS infrastructure used to render UI components
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • ExtJS
  • SVN
June 2013 — Oct 2013
Senior Developer - JP Morgan Chase
Created applications that helped operations with security and other system deployments
  • Engineered internal management applications which handled global patch infrastructure for 200,000+ Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows 7 machines.
  • Helped push new development directives such as company-wide use of version control.
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • GitHub
  • Git
May 2012 — May 2013
Senior UI Developer -
Developed interfaces for large-scale #1 online window-blinds sales platform
  • Created rich experiences on both backend management tools and frontend interfaces used to funnel users through sales platform
  • Lead effort to modernize UI development methods, libraries, and practices
  • Lead effort to introduce unit testing to frontend architecture
  • Helped engineer CI infrastructure
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • KnockoutJS
  • GitHub
  • Git
  • PostgreSQL
June 2010 — April 2012
Senior Developer -
Developed applications to support ad sharing networks, and other applications
  • Engineered data pipelines for ad network management data ingress and processing
  • Created rich interfaces and user experiences tailored for ad network management
  • Lead effort to improve development practices and introduce automated application testing
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • BASH
  • XML
  • Elastic Search
  • MongoDB
  • Linux
  • MySQL
Dec 2007 — Nov 2009
Senior IT Engineer / Developer - Optimal Link
Architected and implemented solutions for Houston-based ISP
  • Designed, architected, and developed CRM solution for management of ISP related data and services
  • Created easy-to-use interactive interfaces for account setup and management
  • Created reporting system to automatically provide vital metrics to management
  • Helped with engineering and maintenance of network infrastructure
  • Lead engineering team and provided guidance and mentoring
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • BASH
  • XML
  • jQuery
  • Linux
Apr 2007 — Dec 2007
Software and Systems Engineer -
Architected and implemented solutions for start-up social network
  • Developed social web application.
  • Engineered and developed custom linux-based load balancing and clustering solutions
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • BASH
  • XML
  • jQuery
  • Linux
Dec 2006 — April 2007
Software Developer - Glacial Energy
Developed tools to support electricity sales and data integration
  • Debugged and developed in-house CRM.
  • Created interfaces used to manage accounts and management tools.
  • Created data ingress and processing abstractions and tools.
  • Integrated with ERCOT for data ingress and processing.
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • BASH
  • XML
  • jQuery
  • Linux
Nov 2005 — May 2006
Senior Network Admin/Software Engineer - Whiteboard Labs LLC
Developed applications as needed for a design and development studio
  • Managed network infrastructure and servers
  • Developed rich internet applications and interfaces
  • Designed and developed custom web based mail administration utility
  • Developed abstractions and libraries for future project use
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • BASH
  • jQuery
  • MooTools
  • Linux
May 1999 — Sept 2005
Senior Systems Architect and Developer - Optimal Link
Engineered and implemented solutions for Houston-based ISP
  • Architected and created CRM solution for management of ISP related data and services
  • Created reporting system to automatically provide vital metrics to management
  • Designed network infrastructure and setup routing, switching, and related systems
  • Configured routing and ISP infrastructure including Cisco routers
  • Integrated with local telco for ADSL/ISDN/T1/T3 and other ISP related infrastructure and deployment
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • BASH
  • XML
  • C
  • Linux